Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why oh why


do people send emails, when what they should really do is pick up a phone and talk ?
Life could be so much easier if people would think before pressing the button to send a message, ask yourself, what will the receiver think? The tone of the email, the message you are trying to get across etc.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of an email that has upset you? How did you deal with it?

I have had a very sleepless night, worrying about the message, also thinking am I over reacting (probably).


The photo above is of my parents wedding Dec 24 1961. Which always makes me smile. I was born the following November 1st, so its my birthday at the end of the week, but also the anniversary of my Dads untimely passing, so I guess thats not helping with my mood.

So my daily Happiness Is ......score out of 10 has dropped from being a 7 or 8 down to a 5, so what am I going to do to improve this ? What would Lara suggest? Think of the positives of the day....to be honest there wasnt a lot, but I did manage to re organise my diary and that made me smile, so thats my happy point of Monday.

Lets hope Tuesday will be much better.....


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fabulous Holiday


Just had 5 fabulous days away at Hayle, near St Ives in Cornwall.

The weather wasnt too bad, despite a couple of very windy days. Had trips to St Ives, Sennen, Lands End, Cyder farm, Bedruthan Steps, Cape Cornwall and even managed time for a spa too.

Picture above is at Lands End.

The caravan we stayed in was lovely, clean and tidy.

Me and Nova having a quick break during our walk.

We found this mushroom quite by accident on the walk from Sennen to Lands End.

St Ives in the wind and sunshine.

It was very windy at times, glad the caravan was chained down ! Even just walking along the beach was challenging at times.

Oh well, only another three weeks before we are off again, Spa Day and a few days in Kent....... Just time to get the washing done, clean the car inside and out, and repacked. Lol.

Live, Love and Laugh

Elaine xx


Monday, October 13, 2014

Positivity Moment

I try not to overthink things, but...... Recently things have come to light, which i dont agree with or like. So tough decisions have to be made. Im fed up with the negativity surrounding me, I am what i am. I am very loyal to my friends / family, but if you dont like that, then its your problem not mine. As for social networking, i am reducing my time on FB and the like, because it seems to be the cause of a lot of problems. I get upset when people defriend me, taking it very personally, when in fact, i should just think, that i am better off without these people. I am going to surround myself with as much positivity as possible in future.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


After a great session at Marjon Gym last night with Nova and our 'Punisher' Coach - Chris, i got to thinking which areas do i want to tone the most ? Which are most important to me? Legs, Arms, Abs, Back ? All of them ? How much time can I devote to working on it at home? How many hours at the gym? So many questions, No real answers, as I am a busy person with lots of things to do, but then both Nova and Chris are extremely busy people and still manage to exercise daily. As I age Im finding more parts of me ache more of the time, does this mean i need to exercise more or less ? Lots of reasons to exercise, lots of excuses not to ! I have so many lists of things to, exercise, working from home, shopping, tidying, decluttering, housework....etc etc and we are three months to Christmas which adds extra pressures, plus with Garys shifts, making it, not difficult just a bit awkward at times. So lets get organised woman, how to do this ! A book? A big calendar/ Diary ? This needs a little thought as to how i can make this work.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Good Morning Everyone

Happy October all, pinch, punch.....etc Where did the Summer go? I dont know about you, but i dislike the change in seasons. Im a real sunshine girl, so i guess you could say i have the 'sad' disorder. I am feeling a little down and fed up, so i need to pick myself up and look forward. Firstly to a short break in Hayle near St Ives, middle of October, a few days by the beach should cheer me up, even if it rains. Then a Spa Day and a few days in Kent in November, Im really looking forward to 'going home' for a while. Birthday too, plus then Christmas, which is shaping up to be a fabulous time as well. I have bought a Healrh and Wellbeung book, where you record all your thoughts, what you do, why you do it and what can be changed to make life easier, healthier and nicer. In the meantime i have made a couple of decisions, firstly to stop weightwatchers, not because im at goal, but i have got to a stage where my head is not really in it, and im paying to stay the same weight. I have also looked at Juicing and am trying that to see if that makes me feel better, healthier and happier. So far its going really well, even Gary likes the juices/ smoothies i have made. Thats all for now, take care, Elaine xx