Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bude Holiday

We have just spent a long weekend away in Bude, Cornwall

Gary, Nova and I in a Caravan.

A lot of fun and laughter was had. We exercised, walked and ran daily.

The weather was fabulous considering it was mid/late September.


Awaiting lunch by the sea,


Nova in the sunshine.


Gary in the sunshine too...

The girlies...


Monday, September 8, 2014

Positive Monday

Good Morning World Had a fabulous, if a little quiet weekend, Gary was away on a golf weekend with the boys, so seeing as it was sunny, I had a couple of days peace and quiet, sat out in the sunshine reading my books. My neighbours must have stayed indoors, because I had no kids using a trampoline and shouting at the top of their voices at bottom of the garden.... My friend Anne popped in for a chat, which was lovely, as we hadn't met for quite a while. We certainly put the world to rights. Sunday I watched some sport, including the Great North Run and the F1, but still managed a little bit of reading and relaxing and sunbathing in the garden. After a bit of a stressful week last week, it was very nice. Bring on this week, Im going to keep my head down, try not get involved in any conversations that might cause offence. I am going to concentrate on my diet and exercise this week and kick start Operation Christmas Frock.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Here we are....

Hello friends Thought it had been a while and i had better put pen to paper so to speak. Despite all the positivity of a month or so ago, things have happened and from being a 8/10 most days i now feel that has gone down to a 5-6 out of ten. Why ? Im not really sure to be honest, but i do feel i need to get a grip and sort my life out. I am due to see my therapist this week, who will help me find out what the problem is/are. One little blip - weight is starting to creep back on, so thats a situation i need to sort out quickly. I want to be wearing a size 12 dress for Christmas, so........operation Christmas Frock starts here and now. I am planning a Diet and Exercise regime, starting with 5 days out of 7 exercising, which will include running, gym work, and home exercising. Two rest days per week. The diet is not always easy due to our working patterns, but i must try my very best. I went to Weightwatchers meeting yesterday and someone mentioned the obvious of planning the following days meals, i used to do it, but got out of the habit. So planning is the key. Somethings i cant do anything about, but will just have to put up with until the time is right to do something about them. On a lighter note, we have a short break to look forward to in Bude, Cornwall, so fun. Cant wait., fresh air, running on the beach, and relaxation

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Long time no post

New job, has been taking a lot of my time recently, but then I have also been doing things for me. I am still working from home half of the day, and the other half is working in a local warehouse. It makes an interesting work life balance. I love working from home. I have now started my life as a Blood Donor, it wasn't as bad as I remembered, in and out within the hour. No bruises or fainting either. Im still waiting on my call from Cruise Bereavement but then I know that they are really busy with people, so I just have to wait my turn. Have been keeping up with my gym sessions, hard work but fun. Its been a tough year, with very little breaks, so have managed to book a few weekends away, Sept - Bude, October - St Ives, November - Kent, and then December will be Christmas. I cant wait. Gary is away this coming weekend on a boys Golfing trip, so will be home alone. In the meantime I am working on my craft room, reducing items I haven't used, selling, ebaying and recycling. We hope to change the room into more of a spare bedroom again, as someone might need a spare bed sometime in the future. I am still working with my Therapist on my demons, this is coming along well now, gradually getting rid of them. I think that's all my news for now. Love Elaine xx