Saturday, September 6, 2014

Here we are....

Hello friends Thought it had been a while and i had better put pen to paper so to speak. Despite all the positivity of a month or so ago, things have happened and from being a 8/10 most days i now feel that has gone down to a 5-6 out of ten. Why ? Im not really sure to be honest, but i do feel i need to get a grip and sort my life out. I am due to see my therapist this week, who will help me find out what the problem is/are. One little blip - weight is starting to creep back on, so thats a situation i need to sort out quickly. I want to be wearing a size 12 dress for Christmas, so........operation Christmas Frock starts here and now. I am planning a Diet and Exercise regime, starting with 5 days out of 7 exercising, which will include running, gym work, and home exercising. Two rest days per week. The diet is not always easy due to our working patterns, but i must try my very best. I went to Weightwatchers meeting yesterday and someone mentioned the obvious of planning the following days meals, i used to do it, but got out of the habit. So planning is the key. Somethings i cant do anything about, but will just have to put up with until the time is right to do something about them. On a lighter note, we have a short break to look forward to in Bude, Cornwall, so fun. Cant wait., fresh air, running on the beach, and relaxation

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