Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Im going to try and write this blog every week, whatever news I have.

Its now been 7 weeks since I started my new job at Total Freight, Im loving it. Nice colleagues, very nice environment over looking the sea. Its been hard getting to understand their systems, but at last I feel like I'm getting there. Angie has been on holiday for the past 10 days, so its just been me and Chris, but we have really worked well together. He really seems to appreciate me, which is more than I can say of the last lot.

The hospital has decided to take me off my tablets and injections immediately, without even seeing me to discuss it, I am now struggling with what I guess are withdrawel symptoms, I am waiting on a referral back to the hospital.

I have been spending a lot of time over the last few months thinking about 'organising' my life, but to be honest everything seemed such a faff, Taking too much time to get going, that I know I was doomed to fail.

Talking to a friend of mine, she showed me a small moleskine diary, week to a page, plus a blank page to write all my notes on. I umed and arhed about it, and decided to give it a try, its a 18 month diary starting 1st July. I keep it in my bag along with a notebook of the same size where i keep any thoughts when they come into my head. I feel that this is a good idea for me, not complicated, but organised enough.

Today has been a beautiful day, lots of sunshine, very warm but breezy too. Im sat here in the lounge, blinds and window open, its lovely. Wimbledon on the TV.......Gary is working on backshift all week, Nova has gone to Portugal working for a few days, so Im home along, got to get some enthusiasm to do a few jobs. Sorting out the washing, folding and putting it away.

Have a fabulous week, and I will be back after the weekend
Live, Love, Elaine xx x x


Sunday, June 14, 2015


Here are a few pictures from our holiday.

Kynance Cove

Holywell Bay and Caves below


A very windy day at Hayle Beach,


Great Memories xx


Where does time go ?

I cant believe where the time goes. Is it because Im getting older ?

Having just read my last post where I was about to leave Phoenix and go on holiday. So I will continue that story.....

I left my job, after 10 months, because despite many promises, things didnt happen. In the meantime customers were leaving us, and a chance conversation lead to a call and meeting, and I was offered a new job. To cut a long story short, Im now working in the same business, but in a friendly, busy environment with lovely people. 5 weeks have passed and Im loving it. I wont go into details but some people can be idiots and I believe wholeheartedly in Karma, whether it be sooner or later !

We had a fabulous few days in Cornwall, not the best of weather, but a nice break.