Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New Blog, New Attitudes

Good Morning Bloggers

I am making a fresh start, new job, new outlook and attitude to life.

Firstly I have started a new job, working for Phoenix Cargo Services, as the Manager at their new Plymouth facility. Its a very exciting challenge, but one I am really looking forward. Debbie has come along with me, so its the old team in a new job.

I am much more positive and am feeling a lot happier than I have done in months or even several years.

This picture was taken from the sunroof in my car, me, alone sat on the Torpoint Ferry, which is a big positive step for me, as I was terrified of doing this before I had some help from thr NLP trainers. I took a ferry to and fro Cornwall one lunchtime.

My trainer has lent me a book called 'The Secret' which is a very interesting book about positive thinking, I have also been a delegate for him on several of his NLP training courses, again very interesting sessions where I have learnt a lot about myself, and what my values and beliefs are. This has all changed my mental attitude for the better.

I am taking a real hard look at my life and what I want to do, not what I feel that I have to do. I was really procrastinating and need to make a positive improvement, so that means no more lists (as I never get to do anything on them), instead I am trying to use my time wisely, an odd half an hour can mean I can tidy out a drawer rather than looking on facebook. This doesnt mean I will become boring and only be doing work, as I want to spend some more quality time with Gary, family and friends, but I also recognise the need to get the mundane housework done as well.

Now onto this blog, I have decided not to make this too difficult, it to should be enjoyable and not a chore, so some news, odd pictures and stuff as well.

Live, Love and be happy

Elaine xx


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