Just reading my last post on 31sr December.......shocking where the time has gone.
Firstly let me wish you all a very Happy New Year (better late than never).
I can now say that my friend who had the accident, has just been allowed home after many weeks of being in hospital, she has improved a lot from her injuries, and is currently still on sick leave for a few more weeks yet, we always knew it would take a long time to recover from such a serious accident.
As for us, its been a very tough start to 2016, apart from seeing Nova daily, we have had our own problems too, I have been having some female issues for quite a while, and despite fagging this up on numerous occasions my doctors didnt read my notes, saying I should have emergency scans, when I eventually got to the specialist, she said it could be cancer ! Not the news I was expecting I can tell you. To cut a very long story short, after a lot of tooing and froing, it appears not to be cancer, so Im having to go on some other treatment instead. Going off to the doctors today to discuss the way forward. Unfortunately Gary took the possible cancer diagnosis very badly, on top of all the problems with his family, he just imploded. So we have had to deal with that as well.
As you imagine its been a very tough three months for us, but 5 more days and we will get 10 days off, including a few days in Cornwall, just the two of us, which we are so looking forward too. I think we need to talk a lot but without anybody else being around.
We have hardly had a day to ourselves since Christmas, so this will be a big treat.
I will try and get back to normal after Easter.
Hope you all have a fabulous Easter break.
Live, Love and Laugh, Elaine xx xx xx
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