Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mrs Positivity

Another 30 mins of sorting this morning, this time i made a start on my wardrobe, trying on, being honest if items fitted well, condition, if i still liked them. Big pile went into the car boot / recycling box. It feels so good...... I know its only small steps and I have a long way to go, at least I am making those small steps.


Ive spent 30 mins or so this morning tidying out all my running and exercise kit, its surprising how much there was. Another job ticked of my non existent list. I saw a quotation on facebook this morning which said... There are 1140 minutes in a day, can you not spare 30 mins for a run....i used those 30 mins for a spot of tidying, but will manage a run later....

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Happy Photos

A very young Elaine, short dark hair on the
Nova, me and Tracy, on The Hoe in the rain on Armed Forces Day.
Nova and me at Paignton....
Gary and I at Paul & Sarahs wedding.
All of these photos remind me of happy days.


New Blog, New Attitudes

Good Morning Bloggers

I am making a fresh start, new job, new outlook and attitude to life.

Firstly I have started a new job, working for Phoenix Cargo Services, as the Manager at their new Plymouth facility. Its a very exciting challenge, but one I am really looking forward. Debbie has come along with me, so its the old team in a new job.

I am much more positive and am feeling a lot happier than I have done in months or even several years.

This picture was taken from the sunroof in my car, me, alone sat on the Torpoint Ferry, which is a big positive step for me, as I was terrified of doing this before I had some help from thr NLP trainers. I took a ferry to and fro Cornwall one lunchtime.

My trainer has lent me a book called 'The Secret' which is a very interesting book about positive thinking, I have also been a delegate for him on several of his NLP training courses, again very interesting sessions where I have learnt a lot about myself, and what my values and beliefs are. This has all changed my mental attitude for the better.

I am taking a real hard look at my life and what I want to do, not what I feel that I have to do. I was really procrastinating and need to make a positive improvement, so that means no more lists (as I never get to do anything on them), instead I am trying to use my time wisely, an odd half an hour can mean I can tidy out a drawer rather than looking on facebook. This doesnt mean I will become boring and only be doing work, as I want to spend some more quality time with Gary, family and friends, but I also recognise the need to get the mundane housework done as well.

Now onto this blog, I have decided not to make this too difficult, it to should be enjoyable and not a chore, so some news, odd pictures and stuff as well.

Live, Love and be happy

Elaine xx